Notebook Archive

SALUTATIONS, GREETINGS. This page exists with the purpose of archiving my esoteric comics. Have you ever looked at someone and went 'Whoa, that thing looks really weird! it creeps me OUT!" Well guess what, fiend? That person was probably me. As God;s most pathetic soldier, I must broadcast my soggy toast personality. I don't think I wil add much context, if you ended up here I gave you the link anyways. HAVE STRANGE DREAMS, FELLOW SEEKER ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) hhhhgggghhhhghghghjffhdhddh I'm taking damage over here! ☆⌒(> _ <)

F.A.C (Frequently Appearing Characters)Character bios.

This is my current form, it's kinda shit_______________________________________________________________________________This is a fnnuy picture that I like

Here's how to make a list:

Behold! Comics!! Make from my mind's anguish and delusion!!!! CLICK HERE FOR FEMCEL COMICSBehold! Comics!! Make from my mind's anguish and delusion!!!! CLICK HERE FOR FEMCEL COMICS